2018 APDIM Fall Meeting

Poster Abstracts for 2018 APDIM Fall Meeting

Poster Abstract Submission Details

The Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM) invites the submission of research and programmatic innovation poster abstracts for the 2018 APDIM Fall Meeting, which will take place October 25–27, 2018 at the Hilton Bonnet Creek  in Orlando, FL. 

  • Research poster abstracts will include background or introductory information, aim, methods, the results of the research, and a brief discussion or conclusion.
  • Programmatic innovation poster abstracts will have a description of how the problem was identified and explored, descriptions of the innovations, results to date, and discussion/reflection/lessons learned. Tips and tools or works in progress are considered programmatic innovations.

The call for poster abstracts is now closed.
Submitting presenters will be notified of the status of their poster abstract review in July. For additional information about the poster abstract format, please review the guidelines for submitting an AAIM poster abstract.

All accepted poster submitters are expected to participate in the AAIM Poster Reception on Friday, October 26, 2018. All abstracts will be available online as well as listed in the meeting material.

Please note AAIM will not waive registration fees or reimburse travel expenses for accepted poster presenters. If poster presenters want to attend the meeting outside of the poster reception, they will be required to register and pay the appropriate fees. 

If you have questions about poster abstract submission, please contact the Educational Programs Team at (703) 341-4540 or educationalprograms@im.org.


All submissions will be reviewed by representatives from APDIM. The committee will rate submissions on a scale of one to seven (seven being the highest rating).

Programmatic innovations poster abstracts will be rated on potential interest to APDIM members, practicality of implementation, likelihood of sustainability, and the effect on the submitters’ programs. Research poster abstracts will be rated on the research study design, generalizability to other internal medicine programs, and how novel the findings are.

Poster abstracts that present clinical studies or clinical research out of the context of resident education or programmatic innovation will not be reviewed. Also, poster abstracts without any results or pending data are often not accepted for poster presentation.

Tips for a Successful Poster Abstract

  • Keep poster abstract titles brief and to the point.
  • Use title case for poster abstract titles (ex. A Novel Curriculum for Systems-Based Practice); do not use all capital letters or all lowercase letters.
  • Poster abstracts that present clinical studies or clinical research out of the context of student, resident, or fellowship education or programmatic innovation may not be reviewed.
  • Poster abstract descriptions should be no longer than 350 words. While poster abstracts will not be stringently judged on length, poster abstracts far in excess of 350 words may not be reviewed.

Listing Authors

  • List the first and last name of ALL authors. If including first or middle initials, do not insert periods after initials (ex. Steven M Humphrey). Do not include medical or doctoral degree suffixes in the author(s) listing.
  • List institutional affiliations for ALL authors. If multiple authors are from the same institution, you may list them together (ex. John Gregory, Jessica L O'Hara, Georgetown University).


  • Single space all text in the body of the poster abstract.
  • Check and recheck all spelling, punctuation, and data for accuracy. Although accepted authors will have the opportunity to edit their poster abstracts, if they do not have any changes, AAIM will use the abstracts as they are received.
  • Beware of formatting in the body of the poster abstract. Formatted text (bold and italics) or special characters may not transmit properly. The provided descriptor boxes format the document properly.
  • Do not include graphic aids such as charts, tables, or graphs as these may affect the format of the poster abstract submission.