
Academic Internal Medicine Week 2025 Precourses

All precourses will be held Sunday, April 6, 2025. Full precourse descriptions will be available approximately mid-December.

Precourses offer small-group learning and problem solving in an intensive, day-long session. An additional fee is required per person, per course. Space is limited.

Precourse Registration Fees and Deadlines

Nov. 4-Feb. 26
Feb. 27-March 30
March 31

Member Nonmember Member Nonmember Member Nonmember
Precourse Registration
(per course)
 $600  $900  $700  $1,000  $800  $1,100

DDA Precourse: NEW  Unlocking Leadership Potential for Department and Division Administrators: Enneagram, AI, and Team Dynamics

8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Participate in a comprehensive full-day course designed for department and division administrators, featuring dynamic networking opportunities and an insightful leadership panel with Q&A. Enhance your leadership skills with sessions on becoming a successful leader, understanding and integrating the Enneagram into team management, and leveraging AI in healthcare leadership. This course offers a unique blend of practical knowledge and interactive discussions to empower you as a forward-thinking leader in your organization. (Generated by an AI assistant, 2024).

Please note, there is required preparatory work (~10 minutes) to be completed before the start of the course.

Target Audience

New and experienced department or division business administrators.

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GME Precourse: NEW  Foundations of Leadership: Developing Core Skills

8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.

This precourse is designed for new and seasoned leaders interested in taking their skills to the next level. The highlights include sessions on leadership styles, strategic vision planning, and team development with renowned experts. It also includes focused sessions on effective time management, resource acquisition, and career progression. Attendees will acquire practical skills through breakout sessions on essential topics like budgeting, succession planning, and crucial conversations, empowering them to apply their new knowledge immediately.

Target Audience

New and experienced medical educators interested in building their leadership skills.

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UME-GME  Precourse: NEW  How to Design It So They Will Come: A Roadmap to Faculty Development Planning at Your Institution

8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Faculty development is crucial for medical education. Medical educators juggle patient care, scholarship, and teaching multiple levels of learners. During this pre-course, distinguished educators will guide participants in a journey on how to structure a medical education-focused faculty development program in your institution.

Target Audience

Medical educators interested in learning how to create, implement, and enhance a faculty development curriculum at their home institutions.

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UME Precourse: New Clinical Course Directors

8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.

The precourse will help develop skills relevant to internal medicine clerkship directors, associate clerkship directors, ambulatory directors, site directors and clinician-educators involved in the medicine clerkship and/or subinternship. Experienced faculty will lead discussions about evaluation and grading, curriculum development, giving and receiving meaningful feedback, and hot topics related to clinical course directors. 

Target Audience

UME leaders including but not limited to clerkship, subinternship director, and/or course leaders.

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GME Precourse: Managing a Fellowship Training Program

8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.

The interactive precourse is designed to provide fellowship program directors, associate program directors, and core faculty with a comprehensive one-day overview of key topics within fellowship training. Participants will develop a better understanding of how to manage and successfully run a fellowship program including but not limited to:

  • building awareness for key events throughout the academic year
  • recruitment and interviewing best practices
  • utilizing the fellowship leadership team
  • hear from ACGME leadership
  • developing a process to assess faculty clinical teaching
  • understanding pertinent wellness issues at the fellowship level
  • identifying the unique aspects of working with international medical graduates

Target Audience

New and experienced fellowship program directors or other faculty or program leadership supporting fellowship training.

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