

Founded in 1977, Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine (APDIM) is the international organization of accredited internal medicine residency programs; the association represents program directors, associate and assistant program directors, core faculty, program administrators and coordinators, fellowship coordinators, and other key faculty and staff involved in the internal medicine residency program.

APDIM Member Categories

  • Additional Representative Administrator: Staff involved in internal medicine residency program (e.g., residency program administrator or coordinator, fellowship program coordinator)
  • Additional Representative Faculty: Faculty involved in internal medicine residency program (e.g., associate program director, assistant program director, core faculty, fellowship program director)
  • Program Director: Internal medicine residency program director (category limited to one per institution)


APDIM conducts annual research surveys of residency program directors, as well as of residency and fellowship program administrators. Data collected from these surveys are used to shape organizational policies and initiatives and inform stakeholders. The survey results are also presented during Academic Internal Medicine Week and analyzed for publication in academic medical education journals.

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APDIM Chief Residents

APDIM is proud to offer a year-long program for chief medical residents. Beginning with the APDIM Chief Residents Track, the association strives to provide information and resources to chief medical residents that will enhance and improve the chief residency year.