

The Alliance is governed by a representative board of directors that includes three elected officers (Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary Treasurer) as well as three representatives from each of the founding councils (AIM, APDIM, APM, ASP, and CDIM). The AAIM President and the AAIM Deputy Chief Executive Officer also serve as ex officio members of the board. The chairs of bylaws-required committees (compensation, compliance, governance, and finance and audit) are appointed from among board members.

Founding councils are composed of four officers (president, president-elect, past president, and treasurer) and six to nine councilors, generally elected by member majority voting; most councils also include committee chairs, which are appointed positions. Constituent councils (which are structured in the same way as founding councils) represent large member groups within APDIM and CDIM; the chairs of the constituent councils hold an ex officio position on the respective founding council.

Congratulations to the New FY 2025 Alliance Council Leaders

A call for nominations and self-nominations was open to members September 20-October 11. Individual councils selected the final candidates for the ballot after review of all eligible nominations. Elections were open to members January 10-31; members were notified by email and asked to log into www.im.org to access their personalized ballot. All candidates are elected by a majority of the ballots cast.

See the FY 2025 Councils